När det fortfarande var mörkt ute i lördags morse träffades ett härligt gäng tjejer i olika åldrar på Vasakåren. Vi njöt av hembakt bröd, trevligt sällskap och inte minst kloka ord från Anna Close. Denna första kvinnofrukost samlade ett trettiotal kvinnor och förhoppningsvis blir vi fler under våren. Se datum för kommande frukostar här. Innan vi skiljdes åt läste Dagny en egenskriven dikt som berörde många:

Come to me, my child

Come, come to me, my child, I wait and long for you
in the quiet and the wild – I am here for you.

I’ve joined in your laugh and I’ve cried your cry
I have listened to your desperate “Why?”
I was there to dry every bitter tear
and to take away all your hidden fear.


You were seeking Love and Truth everywhere
but you didn’t see that I was right there,
heard not my offer of a love affair
with the Heavenly groom, my life to share.

Now you’re no longer deaf, no longer blind,
you have woken up, so leave what’s behind!
I have raised you up, you my precious child,
so walk on free – in the quiet, in the wild!

Come …

I have prepared for you a wondrous way,
we’ll walk side by side always from this day.
You’re now a child of your Maker and King
so you can take courage, rejoice and sing:

My Lord, He is there for me, I’m his precious child!
He is there for me – in the quiet and the wild.


//Dagny Bergling, 2012-11-07


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