Under vårt sommarläger på Nyhem kommer det finnas möjlighet att ställa ut konstnärliga alster av olika slag. Läs hälsningen nedan från lägrets styrelse och glöm inte att kontakta Negin i Köpenhamn Vineyard om detta är något för dig!


Art-display during VN Summercamp 2012

We have had several different aritst ask if they can display some of their work during the SummerCamp this year.

If you are an artist and would like to display some of your craftwork, paintings or creations we have some guidelines you need to agree on and follow.


1. We will have an area set aside for this on the top balcony above the main meeting hall. 

2. This art area will be open during tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday afternoon during the camp only. 

3. We have no place where pictures can be hung so we suggest you place them either on a table or alongside the wall, you can feel free to bring stands to display your work. We suggest you bring a limited amound of pictures and artwork around 10-15 pictures for example.

4. You as an artist take full responsibility of this area yourself and over your works  which are displayed. You have to be there to watch over the area during opening hours. No one is responsible but you yourself. 

The art-area will be open for display on tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday one hour prior to the meeting and in the evening for about an hour after ministrytime is concluded. 

5. After closing you have to pack down or cover up the display with a large sheet  It will be safer to pack your things down every night it is totally up to you.

If anything is sold during these days our guideline is for 20% of the profit to go to Vineyard Norden missionswork in different part of the world. 


The contactperson for the art area is Negin, from Copenhagen Vineyard. If you have any further questions you need to contact her and you also need Negins confirmation before you bring your artwork to camp. We do have a limited display area so please contact Negin and also agree on the terms with her.

”Negin Hamidi” <negin@vineyard.dk>