What is Stockholm VINEYARD?
Stockholm Vineyard was founded in 1992 and then became the first Vineyard congregation in Sweden.
Vineyard is an international Christian church and church planting movement that started in the United States in the 1970s. Organizationally, Stockholm Vineyard is part of Vineyard Nordic and Vineyard Sweden with about 30 congregations and church plants around Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Vineyard shares the same theological foundation as other Christian churches and movements in Sweden and is characterized by a welcoming and inclusive community, a great commitment to society and a belief that the Holy Spirit works through every Christian. What we usually experience as “supernatural” is something that is meant to be natural and everyday for every believer.
Our worship service is relaxed with a focus on meeting God through praise and prayer. In various ways, we want to be a positive force in the community that points to Jesus and is good news and a blessing for people in our vicinity. We want to see a transformed city, one heart at a time!

What we believe
Stockholm Vineyard has the Nicene and Apostles’ creeds as the basis for our faith and thus shares the same theological point of departure as other Christian congregation movements in Sweden such as the Swedish Church, the Evangelical Free Church, the Pentecostal Church, the Equmenia Church, the Alliance Mission, and others.
Vineyard is evangelical in its theology as we believe and confess:
- That God is the creator of heaven and earth
- That the Bible is God’s revealed Word and final authority for our lives
- That God became man through Jesus Christ
- That Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sake of our sins
- That Jesus Christ arose on the third day and broke the power of sin and death upon man
- That Jesus Christ is Lord and the only way to the forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God
Vineyard is also a charismatic movement in that we believe that God through the Holy Spirit works through every Christian and communicates his gifts to us through prophecy, prayer, tongues, healing, miracles and in many other ways as we live a joyful life in His presence.
Central to the Vineyard is the theology of the Kingdom of God. We understand the Kingdom of God as the overall and integral theme of the Bible. From the start, Vineyard has been entrusted with proclaiming and testifying about the deeds that belong to the Kingdom of God: healing (physical, mental and social), social justice and the liberation of people bound by evil.
We recommend the following books if you want to read more about our faith and theology –
The Quest for the Radical Middle: A History of the Vineyard by Bill Jackson
Empowered Evangelicals by Rich Nathan och Ken Wilson
Naturally Supernatural by Gary Best
Breakthrough by Dr. Derek Morphew
Living the future by Dr. Douglas Erickson
The Vineyard DNA – Essential History, Values and Practices by Vineyard Resources
John Wimber – The Kingdom of God (1997)
Träffa oss i Sollentuna.
Se kalender för tid och plats
Pendeltåget till Sollentuna C
Stockholm Vineyard
Box 1
191 21 Sollentuna
Bankgiro: 5853-5865
Swish: 1235406129